Monday, 24 February 2014


The best way to fight stress is to make sure that our bodies are in
the best condition to be able to fight against and control stress by
their own strength.

Most times this does not happen by taking medicines or by submitting
to complicated treatment. But can be achieved following a healthy
lifestyle and by making use of the help which nature offers us.

We eliminate stress by following a natural diet, exercising moderately
and resting through recreation and relaxation.

When stress cannot be controlled with these options, certain natural
remedies may offer the extra help which the body needs.

These natural remedies are:

The medicinal effects of water on the body produce the perfect balance
between stimulation and relaxation. This is what is needed to
counteract stress.


A Luke warm bath taken for 10-15minutes will produce muscular
relaxation and will overcome the tenseness produced by stress.
bath stimulates the nervous system at same time, helping it to face
stressful situation.

It is advised to increase the effect of the water by adding bath salt
or 5-10 drops of lavender or rosemary essence.

The sauna has a cleansing and purifying effect on the body since it
increases the elimination of waste substances through the skin.
blood is cleansed of impurities and all the organs function better.
It should not last more than 45-60 minutes.

The sauna can make a person feel more active and help to combat stress
if a cold shower is taken every 15 minutes throughout the session.
The temperature changes from hot to cold increases the body defense
and fortify the nervous system.

Vacation at the beach, with a schedule of swims and physical exercise,
are a good way of controlling stress. Bath in sea water increase the
appetite, stimulates the metabolism and the internal secretion glands
to function better.

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